Citizenship By Investment | Vanuatu
Vanuatu is a South Pacific Ocean nation made up of roughly 80 islands that stretch 1,300 kilometers. The islands offer scuba diving at coral reefs, underwater caverns, and wrecks such as the WWII-era troopship SS President Coolidge. Harborside Port Vila, the nation’s capital and economic center, is on the island of Efate. The city is home to the Vanuatu National Museum, which explores the nation’s Melanesian culture.

Vanuatu enjoys strong relationships with many powerful nations around the world, with close cultural and economic ties to Australia, New Zealand and much of the European Union. The country is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Vanuatu’s total area is roughly 12,274 square kilometres (4,739 sq mi), of which its land surface is very limited (roughly 4,700 square kilometres (1,800 sq mi)). Most of the islands are steep, with unstable soils and little permanent fresh water.
You can have your new passport in just a matter of very few months.
Vanuatu is tax-free, apart from VAT and customs tax.
Vanuatu citizens can travel visa-free to over 120 countries, including UK, Europe.
Vanuatu citizenship extends up to direct family members.
Investment Option & Application Forms
Citizenship is acquired through a government
The Vanuatu Citizenship Application Forms have been recently systematically changed by being numbered. Hence, the true copy of Vanuatu Citizenship Application Forms can only be provided by the Citizenship Office directly to the applicants or consultants or any approved person who collects or processes the citizenship on behalf of the person wishing to get Vanuatu citizenship.
How To Start the Process?
- STEP 1
- STEP 2
- STEP 3
- STEP 4
- STEP 5
- Apply for pre-approval.
- Submit the required documentation.
- Payment of government and due diligence fees.
- Receive pre-approval written confirmation to proceed with your application.
- Payment of the full investment.
- Submit remaining required documentation.
- The Vanuatu Citizen Commission will check your application that you have obtained requisite clearance, documentation and completed the payments.
- Receive citizenship approval from the Prime Minister.
- Take your citizenship oath.
- Receive your Certificate of Citizenship.
- Vanuatu passport is ready.
Visa-Free or Visa on Arrival Countries
Andorra | Honduras | Philippines |
Antigua & Barbuda | Hungary | Poland |
Armenia | Iceland | Portugal |
Austria | India | Qatar |
Bahamas | Indonesia | Romania |
Barbados | Iran | Russia |
Belarus | Ireland | Rwanda |
Belgium | Israel | Saint Kitts & Nevis |
Belize | Italy | Saint Lucia |
Benin | Jamaica | St Vincent & the |
Bolivia | Jordan | Grenadines |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | Kenya | Samoa |
Botswana | Kiribati | San Marino |
Bulgaria | Kyrgyzstan | São Tomé & Príncipe |
Cambodia | Laos | Senegal |
Cape Verde | Latvia | Sierra Leone |
Comoros | Lesotho | Singapore |
Costa Rica | Liechtenstein | Slovakia |
Croatia | Lithuania | Slovenia |
Cuba | Luxembourg | Solomon Islands |
Cyprus | Madagascar | Somalia |
Czech Republic | Malawi | South Sudan |
Denmark | Malaysia | Spain |
Djibouti | Maldives | Sri Lanka |
Dominica | Malta | Suriname |
Dominican Republic | Marshall Islands | Sweden |
Ecuador | Mauritania | Switzerland |
Egypt | Mauritius | Tanzania |
El Salvador | Micronesia | Thailand |
Estonia | Moldova | Timor-Leste |
Eswatini | Monaco | Togo |
Ethiopia | Montenegro | Tonga |
Fiji | Mozambique | Trinidad & Tobago |
Finland | Myanmar | Tuvalu |
France | Nauru | Uganda |
Gambia | Nepal | Ukraine |
Georgia | Netherlands | United Arab Emirates |
Germany | Nicaragua | United Kingdom |
Greece | Norway | Uzbekistan |
Grenada | Pakistan | Vatican City |
Guatemala | Palau | Vietnam |
Guinea-Bissau | Panama | Zambia |
Haiti | Papua New Guinea | Zimbabwe |
Hong Kong | Peru | Philippines |