"British Commonwealth Passport"
Citizenship By Investment | Dominica
One of the most naturally beautiful places in the world, this volcanically active island located in the lesser Antilles is known as the ‘Nature Isle of the Caribbean,’ and is largely covered by thick rainforest and spotted with hot ‘sulphur’ springs. Averaging only 50,000 visitors a year, tourism is still in its infancy in Dominica, where the principal economic generator continues to be in the agricultural sector. If you enjoy adventure and an active lifestyle, then Dominica may be for you. Although there are some great ’boutique’ style hotels, do not expect to find 5-star service or pampering on this island.
Created as a stimulus for domestic economic growth in 1993, Dominica citizenship-by-investment is one of the most affordable legal program available to the global community.
Quick processing: A lifetime citizenship and new passport is granted in 6 months
Low cost: Dominica offers one of the most affordable legal programmes available to the global community
Good visa-free travel: The Dominica passport allows visa-free travel to more than 135 countries
Privacy: The application process is confidential
- Hassle-free: There is no requirement to visit Dominica in order to qualify for citizenship
Zero tax: The island has no income, wealth or inheritance taxes
Visa-Free or Visa on Arrival Countries
Andorra | Greece | Norway |
Antigua and Barbuda | Grenada | Palau |
Armenia | Guadeloupe | Panama |
Aruba | Guinea-Bissau | Peru |
Australia | Guyana | Philippines |
Austria | Haiti | Poland |
Bahamas | Hong Kong | Portugal |
Bangladesh | Hungary | Romania |
Barbados | Iceland | Saint Barthelemy |
Belgium | Indonesia | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Belize | Iran | Saint Lucia |
Bolivia | Ireland | Saint Martin |
Botswana | Israel | Saint Maarten |
Brazil | Italy | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Bulgaria | Jamaica | Samoa |
Cambodia | Jordan | San Marino |
Canada | Kenya | Seychelles |
Cape Verde | South Korea | Singapore |
Caribbean Netherlands | Laos | Slovakia |
Colombia | Latvia | Slovenia |
Comoros | Lesotho | Solomon Islands |
Costa Rica | Liechtenstein | Somalia |
Croatia | Lithuania | Spain |
Cuba | Luxembourg | Sri Lanka |
Curacao | Madagascar | Suriname |
Cyprus | Malawi | Swaziland |
Czech Republic | Malaysia | Sweden |
Denmark | Maldives | Switzerland |
Djibouti | Malta | Tanzania |
Dominican Republic | Martinigue | Timor-Leste |
Ecuador | Mauritania | Togo |
Egypt | Mauritius | Tonga |
Estonia | Micronesia | Trinidad and Tobago |
Fiji | Monaco | Turkey |
Finland | Mozambique | Tuvalu |
France | Nepal | Uganda |
French Guiana | New Zealand | United Kingdom |
Gambia | Netherlands | Vatican City |
Germany | Nicaragua | Venezuela |
Zambia |
Investment Opportunity Options:
The Government Fund was established through the economic citizenship programme as one component of a national capital mobilization portfolio towards an ultimate goal of national development for Dominica.
To qualify for citizenship under this investment option, there are four investment categories with different contribution amounts, based on the number of dependents included in the application, which is as follows:
Single Applicant: a non-refundable contribution of US$ 100,000
Main Applicant and Spouse: a non-refundable contribution of US$ 175,000
Applicant with up to three dependents: a non-refundable contribution of US$ 200,000
For an additional qualifying dependent, other than a spouse, a non-refundable contribution of USD 25,000 per dependent is required.
Tourism is a fuel for the county’s economy. In a move to increase tourism-related development, the Citizenship by Investment programme allows for real estate purchase in approved developments.
To qualify, the investor (or investors) must enter into a contract to purchase real estate worth US$ 220,000 or more.